Set Potential New Board Members Up For Success!
The Board EXCELerator - Candidate Edition is an engaging new way to give board candidates an understanding of what to expect before joining a Policy Governance® (PG) board.
This mini-course is ideal for candidates seeking election or appointment to a PG board. It also gives boards a way to review the highlights of Policy Governance before deciding to invest in additional board education programs.
The Board EXCELerator - Candidate Edition includes:
- an overview of the "what" and "why" of Policy Governance
- key differences between governance and management
- a brief tour of the board policy manual
- skills needed by Policy Governance boards
- a board service self-assessment tool.
Like our main Board EXCELerator course, the Candidate Edition features clear, fun illustrations, videos, audio clips, interactive knowledge checks, a 10-question quiz, and sources for more information. The Candidate Edition takes less than an hour to complete, making the completion certificate a reasonable expectation of all board candidates.
Want to set potential new board members up for success? Get more info by scheduling a brief call with us here.